
Thank you David.

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I am beginning my path down the SCV line. Attended my second meeting last night.

Coincidentally, I am also applying for the SUVCW because I have two GGGrandfathers who fought on each side, making me an SOB (Son of Both).

I am very interested in both because I think that such a sentiment shows that healing did happen (to a certain extent), but moreso that I can honestly discuss both sides from a personal perspective.

I am wondering, Al, if you know resources that might help me specifically with SOB's and how to work both.


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Although I was born in the North, I have one Confederate ancestor. I don't know much about the Sons of Union Veterans because I have always leaned toward the Southern side and am convinced most of the history we've been taught about the War has been lies, which is why I write the stuff I do. It's my small effort to try to correct some of the lies weve been told. You are right, there was reunification to some extent but the regime now in power seems hell bent on destroying that with all their anti-Confederate garbage.

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I totally agree about the propaganda, hence one reason why I am doing both. I appreciate your writing very much.

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