The leftists have genuine antagonism to and fear of Southern heritage
Their agenda is for the total removal of all of it, everyplace and for all time
Way back in 1988 (ancient history now) I had an article published in The National Educator, which I doubt is even in business anymore, that dealt with the extreme efforts of the NAACP to have Confederate flags removed from the capitol buildings in several Southern states. I mention this to remind folks that attacks on Southern culture and heritage have been going on for much longer than the advent of the Biden/Obama administration.
Needless to say, this sort of Orwellian activity on the part of the NAACP and other anti-South organizations has continued and steadily increased, presently with the aid of the federal government, for over three decades now, to the point where recently it has become a prolonged feeding frenzy for the left when it comes to anything Confederate no matter how small or insignificant it might be.
The NAACP’s checkered history has been a wonderment to behold over the decades. They’ve had problems with some of their people over the years who’ve been in high positions and during the early 1990s they seemed about to sink into oblivion until some little leftwing bird chirped in their ear about how attacking all things Confederate just might revive their sagging membership roles if such propaganda were presented in the right format. They were quick to pick up on this and have since ridden it to death! So I guess it must have put some long green in their coffers. Here was a group, supposedly formed to help black folks, yet it had all white presidents at least until sometime in the 1960s.
An excellent expose of the NAACP could be found in the book Biographical Dictionary of the Left, Volume One by Francis X. Gannon. It was published by Western Islands back in 1969. I’m not sure if you can even find it anymore. If it has been reprinted I’m not aware of it—but it should be.
Since the early 1990s I have read scores of articles dealing with the ongoing leftist agenda of removing Confederate flags, monuments, and other symbols from government schools public buildings, parks and other places. And since 2015, when that idiot Dylan Roof shot those black folks in South Carolina, the effort has really reached a fever pitch. Since the advent of Biden/Obama the federal government has officially joined the attack with continuous references to what traitors our Confederate ancestors were for even thinking of resisting old Honest Abe’s version of the “glorious union.”
It’s almost like the world will end for leftists unless they get to remove every remembrance of the old Confederacy before Trump’s attempt at a second term—something else that seems to give them the Heeby Jeeby’s. I’ve been watching this whole process for longer than I like to admit and, believe me, it’s enough to gag a maggot!
And actually, if the truth be known, the federal government has been involved with the anti-Southern racket since at least the early 1860s. According to an article in Chronicles magazine by author John Chodes several years ago now, it was in the early years of the War that Congress passed the Morrill Act (early 1860s). This act just about amounted to direct federal aid to education. The stated objective for the act was to “fund colleges that teach agriculture and the mechanic arts via money raised through federal land grant sales.” However, according to Mr. Chodes, “The true objective (of the act) was to bring the Northern perspective to the reconquered areas of the South, to teach the rebels’ children respect for national authority—to break their rebellious spirit forever. The three R’s had absolutely nothing to do with this landmark bill.” Knowing that he who pays the piper calls the tune, is anyone really surprised?
Senator J. P. Wickersham said in 1865 that the majority of non-slave-holding whites in the South were “deplorably ignorant” and it was this ignorance that helped rebel leaders to enlist so many of them in Confederate armies. Wickersham felt that as long as they remained “ignorant’ they would remain the pawns of political demagogues.” In other words, unless the Southern “poor white trash” were properly “educated” with the proper Northern perspective they would continue to be swayed by such banal considerations as Christianity, states rights, constitutional government, and a whole host of similar “unenlightened doctrines.” So if only you could give them the “proper Northern education” they would then become the pawns of enlightened Northern demagogues.
Wickersham then went on to state that “A Republican form of government cannot long last without providing a system of free schools.” Read that one again as you choke on it! Anyone gullible enough to swallow such a pile of bovine fertilizer as that deserves the stomach upset he gets from it! The last thing any true Republic needs is “free (government) schools” or “free education for all children in government schools” as that vaunted champion of humanity, Karl Marx, promoted in The Communist Manifesto. I hate to differ with such educational giants as Wickersham and Marx but I don’t think the average Southerner was nearly as ignorant as these men try to paint him.
Senator Morrill, in seeking to justify his authorship of the Morrill Act said: “The role of the national government is to mold the character of the American people.” Sorry Mr. Morrill, but you are dead wrong here! The “role” of the national government, or of government at any level, is defined in Romans, chapter 13. If these politicians in the 1860s had such a statist mindset, do you wonder why we have so many problems today? And some people today still think we didn’t have a problem with socialism in this country until it reared its head when FDR was in office in the 1930s. Wake up folks! You are at least 100 years off in your thinking!
Government schools will continue to pass off abolitionist rhetoric as “history” to the unsuspecting. They dare not inform you of the Christian revivals that took place in the Confederate armies during the war. And they will never inform you of the Christian conviction and dedication of men like Lee, Jackson, Stuart, and many, many others who wore the gray. All you will ever get from today’s “historians” and believe me, I use that term loosely, is tales about how these men were all slaveowners, and therefore, white supremacists. That’s the end of the discussion for them. You don’t need to know anything else and they hope you won’t take the trouble to learn!
If you don’t grasp that the leftists have been on a mission to trash and destroy Southern heritage and history then you have not kept track of the perambulations of outfits like Antifa or Black Lives Matter. Now, while we know that the leftists are the “up front” guys in the cultural genocide against the South, we also know that there are people in back of them that promote and finance what they do, people that want us and our Southern heritage and culture destroyed every bit as much as the leftists they employ do. Lots of those people reside in Washington and are denizens of the Deep State. Their vision of a “new world order” has no place or room in it for the preservation of Southern history, heritage or culture, particularly as any of that relates to the Christian faith. Shorn of all their sophistry, that’s where their attack on us and our heritage and history is really headed. In the final analysis, that’s what it’s really all about.
This is one, of many, reason I no longer have allegiance to the government of the United States of America. My allegiance is to God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Father of Yeshua (Jesus).
I fly the 11-star Confederate National flag on my premises and no other flag.